Monday, March 18, 2013

Monsanto - Crossing Humans and Animals ..

Pandora's Box has surely been opened. A dangerous genetic experiment has come out of the shadows, and the human-animal hybrids, chimeras and other transgenic clones it has yielded now threaten to endanger and irrevocably alter life as we know it. The controllers of elite-funded science and R&D have wantonly tampered with the genetic code of the planet, ignoring the rather obvious dangers posed by cross-species experimentation and flagrantly jeopardizing the earth's delicately-balanced biodiversity. In a special video, Alex Jones addresses the profound risks posed by genetically-modified hybrids now featuring prominently in the field of biotechnology. Aaron Dykes & Alex Jones July 27, 2011 __________________________________________________ http SIGN UP FOR A MEMBERSHIP (FULL ACCESS to all files and content on _________________________________________ The Light of the World,Movie(Full Length)

Best Books on Transgenic Animals

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