Sunday, August 11, 2013

Ayurveda On Cloned Meat and Dairy

Just this Tuesday, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) declared that healthy clones of cows, pigs and goats are safe for human consumption.

The whole purpose behind these cloning experiments is to improve the DNA of the animal. The ultimate goal: Healthier meat and dairy products. The realistic result: Who knows?

As Senator Barbara Mikulski put it in a written statement: "The FDA has acted recklessly and I am profoundly disappointed in their rush to approve cloned foods."

"Thorough" testing has included only 600 cloned animals. 570 of them are cattle. I guess 30 pigs and goats was enough of a trial run to deem them safe..

An Ayurvedic Perspective

Of course, in ancient times, cloning wasn't an issue. So there are no specific comments made on the science of cloning in the Ayurvedic text books.

On the other hand, Ayurveda is a live science, and alive today. We can apply that knowledge to determine whether something is wholesome for the human body.

As of Tuesday, we have these new, genetically modified meats and dairy products approved for the general public. These foods have undergone changes at a genetic level. That's a fact... or they wouldn't have bothered cloning them in the first place. They are trying to improve livestock so that it grows faster, tastes better, produces more milk... whatever.

(It's amusing and scary to note, that when passing these new life forms the FDA states that "there is no material difference between them and food produced by conventional methods." Hypocrisy! On the other side of this gold coin opportunity, they state that the cloned breeds are healthier and stronger. The same thing happened with GMO crops. It got passed by the FDA because it wasn't "different." Then it gets patented because it's totally unique.)

They may be very good changes. Let's assume they are for a minute (which is a BIG assumption). The main issue, though, is that when these new foods hit the market, consumers will be going overnight from all natural to new and improved.

These New Foods May Throw Your Body Into a Fight or Flight Mode

From an Ayurvedic perspective those changes are too fast. It puts a toll on the body. It throws it into the high-adrenal "flight-or-fight" state.

I don't know how these new genetic encodings are going to affect those who consume it. Especially over a long period of time. Especially since genetic modification is such a haphazard science today. Altering DNA is usually done by "shooting" in new strands with the help of an E. coli virus. It's pretty primitive. They may make positive improvements to the DNA, and in the process they may make damaging, alien changes.

We're messing with genes at a microscopic level. We have no idea what kind of chronic stress this is going to put on our physiology and the animals' physiology. And when these cloned foods breakdown inside our bodies, they'll become part of our bodies.

Far Too Many Unknowns

In short, there are simply far too many unknowns about something that is a very complicated subject. They've not even tested a 1000 animals and it's already been approved for human consumption. Most of the analysis of the meat and dairy has been done in laboratories. They're checking superficial points like the nutritional content.

The real experiment will start when these cloned animals produce offspring and those offspring start showing up on people's dinner tables. If you're in Canada, you're in luck, cloned meat and dairy has not been approved by Health Canada. Europe, however, has already given the go ahead.

And, no labeling is being required. The only safe route, if you eat meat, or buy dairy, is to go organic. Certified organic meat and dairy will not be modified genetically. Of course, until cross-breeding starts taking place, like we are seeing with genetically modified foods.

We are risking contaminating the entire species of these animals.

Splicing Up India's Symbol of Nurture

On another note, the idea of cloning and modifying cow DNA strikes an Indian chord in my heart. As you know, in India the cow is a symbol of the Divine Mother -- the symbol of nurturing for the human race. Cow's milk is considered the most sacred food in India, because the cow gives it freely. All other foods, even fruits and vegetables, must be taken at the expense of the plant.

Now we are taking Mother Nature, and splicing up her DNA. Crucifying her on the butcher table of scientific neurosis.

Warm milk with chocolate in it is one of the most universal drinks of comfort. Those days are gone. The sacred place the cow holds and the history of milk in Ayurvedic medicine (including ghee) has been darkened by the shadow of modern scientific tyranny.

Get A Free Copy: Download a copy of Dr. Helen's 120 page book, Effortless Ayurvedic Living and recieve a free subscription to her free ezine at

Dr. Helen Thomas, Ayurvedic Practitioner: Since 1987 Dr. Helen Thomas, D.C., has treated thousands of patients, both in America and India, on a daily basis, with the 3,000 year old science of Ayurvedic medicine.

Dr. Helen has pored over the ancient texts and worked side-by-side with Ayurveda practitioners. Over a decade ago, Dr. Helen started paying Ayurvedic doctors from India to come and work with her in her clinic.

Her knowledge comes from hands on experience, not theory given to her in school.

Many of her patients have been moved to tears after receiving an Ayurvedic assessment from Dr. Helen. Ayurveda helped them understand themselves, their needs and their stresses, more profoundly than ever before.

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